It is known that modern India has a strong focus on science and technology, realising that it is a key element for economic growth.
Nowadays India is among the topmost countries in the world in the field of scientific research, positioned as one of the top five nations in the field for space exploration.
With this perspective in mind, ICPATME 2022 is happy to greet MIT World Peace University (Pune, India), which is going to participate in the conference under the supervision of Prof. Anuradha Parasar, Dean of MIT WPU Faculty of Liberal Arts, Performing Arts, Fine Arts, Media & Journalism and Law.
India’s Leading University With Four Decades Of Educational Excellence
Established in 1983, MIT World Peace University was founded on the principle of creating an institution that truly nurtures the students in every aspect, and transform them into “winning personalities”.
The university administration and teaching staff work to bring students into the environment of unity, learning together, innovation and intellectual boost, responding to the calls of the modern market in India and global economy.
Participation of the teaching staff and students of MIT World Peace University is going to open new perspectives on education enhanced with technologies as based on the university experience and conveying innovations and current technological trends from India.
With this multicultural experience we believe ICPATME 2022 is going to become a truly vigorous international platform for sharing experiences, ideas and highlighting new perspectives in modern technologies and education.
During the conference we are expecting to discuss recent case studies, new methodologies in application to sciences and social studies, engineering and humanities. Multidisciplinary approach is a good way to exchange practices and elaborate new concepts for modernising education at all levels internationally.
Follow the link below to submit your abstract and become a speaker at the conference ICPATME 2022!