ICPATME 2024 – VI International Conference on Education and Technology – has successfully launched its work with the participants from Netherlands, Turkey, Australia, Iran, Nigeria, Yemen, Morocco, UK, and India.
A truly international event focussing on the current issues, tendencies and research in artificial intelligence, language teaching, assessment, quality of education and other related topics.

Many thanks for the organising committee chaired by Prof. Dr. Iryna Sekret (STARTINFORUM, Turkey), a panel speaker Prof. Piet Kommers (Twente University, Netherlands), all the invited presenters and participants for their valuable contribution to the success of the event, very productive conference atmosphere and cutting edge ideas.
We are looking forward to more exciting events and successful projects ahead!
ICPATME 2024 Concept
In view of the rapid development of ICT and particularly AI technologies, the conference embraced academicians, researchers and practitioners who shared their experiences, findings, approaches and visions on the issues related to the conference topics.

Practical studies, analysis of the cases, evaluations of different applications and their value for the educational purposes were presented and discussed at the conference meetings.
Apart from technological and educational issues, the presenters discussed psychological and sociological studies related to the use and application of technologies in education and other areas of human life.
Psychological characteristics, peculiarities of ages, emotional stages, cultural and educational backgrounds were in the focus too while the speakers were discussing the impact of technologies and their possible improvements for the actual needs of human beings in different spheres of life.

Artificial Intelligence : Education, Ethics, Society
ICPATME 2024 followed the trends initiated in 2023 focusing on emerging AI technologies and their impact on a human”s life, psychological wellbeing, development and education.
ICPATME 2023 announced its special topic : “Artificial Intelligence : Education, Ethics, Society”.
At ICPATME 2024, we continued discussing ethical issues of using AI, its impact on education and society as well as the best practices of using AI in different social, educational and business contexts.
The researchers and practitioners from Turkey, Netherlands, India, Morocco, UK, Australia, Nigeria, Yemen and other countries shared their visions, ideas and experiences in the fields related to AI and education.
Accommodation and Thermal Waters for the ICPATME 2024 Participants
It was our pleasure to announce Çelik Palas Hotel Convention Center & Thermal Spa 5* (Bursa, Turkey) a venue of ICPATME 2024.

It was already the second time when Çelik Palas Hotel Convention Center & Thermal Spa 5* (Bursa, Turkey) opened its doors to the participants of IATELS Conferences.
In December, 2023, the hotel hosted the speakers of ICLTE 2023 and was happy to continue the collaboration with IATELS for its programs and conferences under the umbrella of STARTINFORUM.
Çelik Palas Hotel Convention Center & Thermal Spa is a 5 star hotel which provided special rates for our conference participants and visitors.
Online Participation
Apart from the opportunities to come personally to the conference venue, the speakers could join the conference online.
Thanks to the online mode of participation, the presenters of far countries could meet in one point of the conference to discuss current trends in education and technology with a focus of AI and its different tools.
Please check at least some of the glimpses of the conference online speeches.

STEAM Education as an innovative approach in school education highlighting the importance of integration the core skills in the school curriculum was emphasised by Prof. Piet Kommers during his panel speech on AI in Education and other innovative developments

Dr. Fahmi Banafa, President at Al-Adel University in Aden (Yemen), at hashtag#ICPATME2024 with his presentation “Enhancing Quality Assurance and Technology Integration in Higher Education of Yemen through Collaboration with the European Commission”
Many thanks to Dr. Fahmi Banafa for his valuable contribution to the conference content and discussions with more perspectives fro collaboration between IATELS and Al-Adel University.

Dr. Kürşad Kültür (Marmara University, Istanbul, Turkey) emphasises the necessity to implement new models of learning which would be characterised by flexibility and personalised approach.
The targetness of new educational models on practical skills and their module character will make education more flexible, personal and applicable to the market needs.

Dr. Rohini Balapuni (Curtin University, Australia) presenting the study “Examining Students’ Perception of Generative AI Technology in Learning” prepared in co-authorship with Mr. Rubaiyet Khan and Dr. Mandeep Kaur.
Many thanks to the research group and presenter for their valuable contribution to the conference content and discussions.

Assist. Prof. Dr Shivam Bhartiya (JAIN, Deemed-to-be University, India) presenting his research”Technological Utopias and Dystopias in Education: Exploring Future Scenarios” at #ICPATME2024
Many thanks to the presenter for his valuable contribution to the conference content and discussions highlighting social and economic issues of technological development in education.

Meet Dr. Tomayess Issa (Faculty of Business and Law at Curtin University
Australia) and Dr. Mahnaz Hall (Academic Capability Development Team in the Faculty of Business and Law Curtin University, Australia) speaking at #ICPATME2024 on “The Use of e-Assessments by Independent Learners in the Age of Artificial Intelligence: A Follow-up Study”
More posts about speeches and presentations of the conference can be found in our social media channels Linkedin, Instagram and Facebook at the official accounts of IATELS.
Many thanks to the conference organising committee chaired by Prof. Dr. Iryna Sekret (STARTINFORUM, Turkey), panel speaker Prof. Piet Kommers (Netherlands), invited speakers Dr. Tomayess Issa (Curtin University, Australia), Dr. Kürşad Kültür (Marmara University, Istanbul, Turkey), Professor Michael Thomas (Centre for Educational Research (CERES) at Liverpool John Moores University (UK), Dr. B. Mini Devi (Centre for Information Literacy Study, University of Kerala, India), Assist. Prof. Dr Shivam Bhartiya (JAIN, Deemed-to-be University, India) and all other presenters and participants for their valuable presentations and significant contributions to the conference content and discussions.
ICPATME 2025 Announced
Inspired by the high appreciation of the conference content and organisation, coming from our participants, we continue traditions ICPATME and announce its new dates in 2025.

We hope our next conference will bring more studies and research to the international platform of ICPATME for international considerations and discussions.
To become a partner in organising the conference, apply for a keynote, a workshop presenter or address with any of your ideas and suggestions, please feel free to contact us by filling out the form below.