Ist International Conference PATME 2018 – Pedagogical Advances in Technology-Mediated Education was held in Istanbul, 21-22 of June, 2018.
PATME 2018, our first conference on Education and Technologies was held in Istanbul, In Radisson Blue Hotel, inviting our first delegates from different counties.
Academicians from Turkey, Pakistan, Canada, Spain, Portugal, England, Ukraine presented their studies on the urgent problems concerning education and technologies.
The most disputable topic of the conference was about the role and place of social media in learning and formal education.
The presenters were discussing different aspects of the problem, highlighting the cultural, societal and political peculiarities of using social media in education, social life, its affects on relations and psychology of users.
During the conference the special attention was also located on the specifics of providing education online and e-learning.
Two specially designed workshops were given to the academicians and students accordingly.
During the workshops the participants were discussing specifics of learning and teaching online in their institutions and countries.